Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.
-No.Ref= Automatic generation of a Danger reference.
-Site= Select the site(s) concerned by the Danger during creation.
-Process= Process associated with Danger.
-Danger Exhibition= Appointment of Danger.
-Family of Risk= Allows you to select one or more risk family(s) related to the Danger.
-Damage= Paramed list to identify potential damage(s) related to Danger.
-Equipment= If the hazard is related to a material, it is possible to select the relevant material from a list by checking 'Material Register' or manually by checking 'Other'. Otherwise, check 'Not concerned'.
-Commentary= Possible comment related to Danger.
-Danger area= Hazard Association with the area(s) and work phase(s)
It is possible to add a file by clicking on the button