Add a danger

Add a danger

To add a danger, click the button"+""located at the top right of the table'Danger-Exhibition'.

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

-No.Ref= Automatic generation of a Danger reference.
-Site= Select the site(s) concerned by the Danger during creation.
-Process= Process associated with Danger.
-Danger Exhibition= Appointment of Danger.
-Family of Risk= Allows you to select one or more risk family(s) related to the Danger.
-Damage= Paramed list to identify potential damage(s) related to Danger.
-Equipment= If the hazard is related to a material, it is possible to select the relevant material from a list by checking 'Material Register' or manually by checking 'Other'. Otherwise, check 'Not concerned'.
-Commentary= Possible comment related to Danger.
-Danger area= Hazard Association with the area(s) and work phase(s)
It is possible to add a file by clicking on the button

You can also show pictograms related to the Danger during creation, the obligations, prohibitions and means of protection associated with it.

Click on the corresponding rectangle to display the list of pictograms.

Then click on the desired pictograms and then on the button"Validate"

After completing this form, click the button"Validate"

You then return to the OHS Risk Assessment page or your new Danger appears.

Namely:It is possible to modify or remove a hazard, work phase or work area by clicking on the buttons representing apencilor ared cross.

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