Add a labelled product

Add a labelled product

To access the functionality, click on"Chemical Discs".By default, the chemical registry is displayed.

To register a new chemical, click the button"Add a labelled product".

The registration page has 4 separate tabs. Complete the fields for each tab:
- Identification tab: Records general chemical information and import the SDS.

- the field'Reseller'is linked to the supplier database.
- the field'CMR product'allows you to define whether your product is RMC or not to facilitate the search for this type of product at the registry level.
- the list'physical state'is a parametric list. (Safety Management' menu of the Settings module)

The means of prevention included in the risk analysis will be stored in the register of means of prevention accessible from the Registry of Areas, Hazards by clicking on the tab'Means of prevention'.

-Danger tab: provides essential safety information related to the chemical.

Namely:the following lists are setable via the menu'Security Management'of the Module'Parliamentary':
- Risk Phrases / Cautionary advice - Specific risk(s) / Accidental Dispersion / Waste disposal / UN Waste Code

-Consumption tab: provides the location of use and/or storage of the product, the dates of entry and exit of the company, and possible comments on, for example, the average amount of product used.

-Tab Product sheet: Allows you to determine a Workflow (or validation circuit) for the validation of the product sheet.

To create a new Workflow, click the button"+"".

A new section will appear to:
- Enter the name of the Workflow in the field'Name of Workflow'
- To enter the validation steps of the product sheet.

In the chapter'Steps',if no profile type exists, click the button"+"". A free field appears.Enter the title of the desired profile type (e.g. Editor, Verifier, Approvator…) and then select one or more designated person(s).

It is possible to add as many validation steps as needed by clicking the button"+"".

After completing the chemical registration form, click button"Validate".

You then return to the Chemicals register on which your registration appears.

Namely:After validation, 'profile types' and 'Workflow' will be recorded and available in the corresponding rolling lists.

If a workflow has been set up, return to the corresponding label product registration form and click the button"Start the workflow"

This will have the effect of sending an email to the user(s) concerned by the workflow and will allow them to validate or not the product sheet by clicking on the button visible in the register of labelled products.
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