Add an environmental aspect

Add an environmental aspect

Environmental aspects can then be created and associated with impacts.

To add a new environmental aspect, click on the "+" button at the top right of table 'Environmental Impacts and Aspects'.

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

- Ref = Automatic generation of an aspect reference.

- Site = Choose the site(s) concerned by the aspect being created.

- Process = Process associated with the aspect.

- Appearance = Appointment of appearance.

- Impact = Allows you to assign the appearance to one or more impact(s).

- Equipment = If the aspect is related to a material, it is possible to select from a list the relevant material by checking 'Register Matrix' or manually by checking 'Other'. Otherwise, check 'Not concerned'.

- Product = If the appearance is related to a product, it is possible to select the relevant product from a list by checking 'Register Product' or manually by checking 'Other'. Otherwise, check 'Not concerned'.

- Comment = Possible comment related to the Danger.

- Activity(s) = Association of the Environmental aspect with associated activity(s) and subactivities.

It is possible to add a file by clicking on the button

After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"

You then return to the OHS Risk Assessment page or your new Danger appears.

To know: It is possible to modify or remove a hazard, work phase or work area by clicking on buttons representing apencilor ared cross.

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