Analyze a non-compliance

Analyze a non-compliance

This part can only becompleted by the Analysis Pilotdesignated at the time of declaration or an administrator.

Click on the tab"Analysis".

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

-Origin cause= Allows you to define the origin of the cause: Internal / External Service Provider / Customer.
-Process= Process related to the cause of non-compliance.
-Sector= Free field to inform the location where the deficiency has matured.
-Cause of default= Allows you to select a cause (parametric list)
-Degree of gravity= Significant / No Significant(paramed list)
-Full analysis= Free field for analysis of the causes of non-compliance

Namely:Completing the field"default cause"includes a table to determine the number of non-compliance(s) reported with the same cause within the last 90 and 30 days and the current year.

In this non-compliance analysis form, you can carry out a number of actions:

-In-depth analysis of causes: allows you to conduct a cause analysis using integrated tools.

->Diagram 7M- Check the corresponding box

->Tree of causes- Check the corresponding box

To know: you can enter as many lines as needed in each category by clicking the button"+"".

-Action plan: allows you to request or record an action.

Click on the " button+ +and choose "request for action"or "record an action".
Requests for action and recordings will be displayed in the corresponding tables in this section of the Non-Compliance Analysis page.

-Non-compliance: allows you, if necessary, to open a new non-compliance related to the root cause analyzed.

Click on the " button+ +" and choose the type of non-compliance.

Registered non-compliance will be displayed in the corresponding table in this section of the Non-Compliance Analysis page.

After completing the analysis part, enter the analysis date in the field "of theand click on "Validate".

You then return to the page of the register of non-compliance on which your record appears whose state is still at the stage "Currently being processed" (although the analysis is performed, the non-compliance is not yet addressed).

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