For each identified chemical it is possible to generate a line of analysis.
Complete the different fields:
- Operation label = Activity phase related to chemical use
- Hazardous chemical agent = Chemical designation
- ACD / CMR = Check the box(s) if the chemical is a Hazardous Chemical Agent or RMC.
- Means of detection / Protection in place = Allows to associate one or more means of prevention. (Takes the list of means of prevention from the DUER).
- Click on the button"+""to be able to select additional means of prevention.
- Click on the button"+ Medium""to create a new means of prevention
- Assessment of Health Risk = Allows to evaluate 3 criteria for exposure to the chemical (Inhalation, skin/eye contact and exposure time)
To add multiple lines of assessment of hazardous chemical agents, click button"+""at the top left of the table.
For each chemical risk assessment line, it is possible to manage actions by clicking the button"+ Action".
The means of prevention included in the risk analysis will be stored in the register of means of prevention accessible from the Hazards and Hazards Register by clicking on the tab'Means of prevention'.