Creating a file

Creating a file

To create a new folder in your documentary tree:

1) Click on the folder in which a subfolder must be created

2) Click on the buttonAjouter dossier

The creation page of a folder opens.

1) Enter the folder name in the 'Fold' field.The following characteristics cannot be used:

2) Assign permissions to users by rolling menus 'Assigning permissions' and 'Management of document permissions' via the buttons

To know:

- Checking the box 'Users' gives all permissions to all users of SymaleaN Software.

- All subfolders that will subsequently be created will have the same permissions as the folder. These permissions will be made customizable by rights holders.

After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"

You then return to the main page of the 'Strand' feature or your new folder appears.

By clicking on your new folder, several options are possible:

- Create a subfolder by clicking on the buttonAjouter dossierThe methodology is identical to that previously described.

- Edit the folder by clicking on the buttonModifier dossierAllows you to rename the folder and change the assignment of permissions.

- Delete the folder by clicking on the buttonSupprimer un dossier

To know: it is possible to transfer a folder to another folder by holding a left-click on it and then moving the mouse cursor to the destination folder.

To view all the subfolders contained in a folder, click on the arrow located next to the desired folder.

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