Creating a Process

Creating a Process

Before you can integrate your processes into the Software, it is necessary to define theProcess categories

Go to the module "Parametering", click on the menu 'Parameter General' then on the section 'Process'.

The register of Processes appears.

The procedure is similar to the creation of process categories.

Click on the " buttonCreating an activity process"

Tell the 'Label', the 'Category of Process' corresponding as well as the 'Root' of the Process being created.

Click on the " buttonValidate"

Reiterate this operation to create all of your processes.

It is also possible, for each process, to assign a process pilot:

- Unique = only one selected Symalean user

- Site = allows to select one user per site registered on the context.

Integrating this data will result in the implementation of an automation on the 'Action Plan' functionality of the PILOTAGE module.

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