To create a Site, go to the module "Parametering", click on the menu 'General Parameters' then on the section 'Sites'.
The registry of Sites appears.
Then click on the " buttonCreation of a site"
Complete mandatory fields marked with red asterisk (*):
- Logo = Allows you to insert your logo in .jpg or .png. This displays your logo at the top left of the page and will be included in the various PDF reports extracted from SymaleaN.
- Site = Designation of the Site being created.
-Division site= Allows you to link a site to a division (= Subgroup or Agency). The divisions must be registered in the parameter list 'Divisionfrom the menu 'General Parameters'.
- Legal Manager
- Postal code of the company
- Country of the company
- Language of the application
- Social name
- Address of the company
- City of the company
- Email from the company
After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"
You then return to the site registry page on which your registration appears.
You also have the opportunity to add the opening hours of the Site being created.
Special cases:
If you have the SECURITY module, additional fields are present on the site registration form:
- The number of SIRET
This data must be provided for each site if you wish to be able to report workers' compensation via Symalean.
After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"
You then return to the Sites registry page on which your registration appears.
In order for your new site to be included in the list of choice of work environment, it is necessary to:
- Assign it to users who need to view this site.
- Connect and then reconnect to the Symalean Account.
Click the login button located in the horizontal menu at the bottom of the page to return to the Software login page.
Enter the Background, your username and password and click on 'Login'.
By clicking on the selection list of the work environment, you will then see your new Site appear.