The statistics will allow for quantitatively and frequency recorded a set of parameters defined by the Company. These statistics may be associated with an indicator as seen in the previous chapter.
To create a statistic, you must go to the Module "Decision" then click on the feature 'Statistics'.
-Restriction= Person(s) with only the opportunity to visualize the statistics
There are 3 types of statistics:
-Statistics System= This type of statistic is automatically populated by SymaleaN Software based on records made in different functionalities. (Coverage of NCs by Process, NC Quantity by Type…)
o Check Type 'System'
o Select the functionality on which a system statistic must be conducted
o Select the data to be analyzed
o Select filters from different fields displayed.
-Statistics Manual(by default) = This type of statistic requires a frequency manual entry defined by a Statistical Officer.
-Statistics Personalized= This type of statistic does not require manual entry as values will be automatically and frequently defined according to the formula that was set.
When a statistic is created, if more than one sites are selected, new fields appear:
-Monitoring of statistics:
oCommon= data entered in the statistics and the Statistical Officer are common to all selected sites. Only one statistic will then be generated in the statistics register.
oBy site= data entered in the statistics and the Statistical Officer differ by selected sites. Both statistics and selected sites will then be generated in the statistics registry. The statistical manager must be informed for each site.
-Method of consolidation Group:
o Sum = The Group statistic will be the sum of the values entered in all general statistics.
o Average = The Group statistic will be the average of the values entered in all general statistics.
o Ratio % = Only available for a personalized multi-site statistic. The Group statistics will correspond to the consolidated actual rate.
After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"
You then return to the statistics table page where your new record appears.