Creating a supplier

Creating a supplier

Suppliers can be integrated via manual creation, supplier register or import.

In contrast, the supplier form of the Supplier module also contains the initial evaluation of the supplier.

-If the result of this assessment is less thanthreshold for monitoring: no periodic evaluation will be planned for this supplier.

-If the result of this assessment is greater than thethreshold for monitoringthe planning table for the periodic evaluation of the supplier will be generated.

Find the following fields:
-Website(s): Allows the site(s) for which a periodic evaluation is required.
-Frequency of evaluation: when a periodic evaluation is processed, the next one will be automatically rescheduled against that frequency.
-Evaluator(s): select the user(s) entitled to process the periodic evaluation for that provider.
-Assessment Matrix: Allows the assessment matrix(s) into the periodic assessment form
-Date of initiation: Sets the date of next periodic assessment.

After completing the form, click button"Validate".

You then return to the supplier registry on which the new provider appears.

If a periodic evaluation has been completed, it will be automatically planned in the vendor evaluations registry.
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