Creating waste treatment

Creating waste treatment

To save a new waste treatment, click on the " buttonAdd a treatment".

Complete the different fields:

Fields marked with a * must be entered.

- Ref = Automatic registration number.

- Site = Selection of the site concerned by waste treatment during registration.

- Date of removal

- Type =Type of waste(paramed list)

- Designation =Disposal of waste(paramed list)

- State =State of waste(paramed list)

- Treatment = Elimination or Recovery

- Nature = Sale or Cost

- Quantity = numeric field to provide the amount of waste to be treated.

-Unit(Parameterable list)

- Unit price = Cost price or salary cost

- Rotation ratio = Cost of transport

- Grant = Amount of aid granted to waste treatment

- Beneficiary = Election of the processing provider (attached to the supplier database)

-Code of waste= Allows the waste code (Parameterable list)

- Destination = Selection permitthe destination of the waste(Parameterable list)

- Carrier = Designation of Transportation Company (requires to have set upstream the carrier(s) to the parameter list 'Deposit deposit')

- Refurbished number = Refund No. of the carrier

- Carry address

- Address of 1st destination

- BSD number = Waste tracking slip

- Notification No.

- Complementary information

It is possible to attach the waste tracking slip by clicking on the "Associate BSD" button
Another buttonallows you to attach possible related related related materials.

The definition of the nature of the treatment has a direct impact on theCost of treatment'. Indeed, in the case of a sale, the cost will be reduced to the business and the result will be green.

If nature is a cost, then the result will be shown in red to mean a loss of money for the business.

If Nature = Cost:Processing cost = (Unit price X Quantiturity) + Rotation cost â€" Grant

If Nature = Sale:Processing cost = Rotation cost â€" Grant - (Unit Price X Quantittitute)

After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate".

You then return to the waste treatment register where your new registration appears.

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