Declare non-compliance

Declare non-compliance

Click on the tab"Register of Non-Conformities".

The register of non-compliance appears, then click on the button"Save a non-compliance".

A roll-out menu is displayed to select the type of non-compliance to be opened:
- NC Internal
- NC External service provider
- Customer claim

Click on the type of non-compliance you want.

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

-No.Ref= Automatic generation of a Non-Compliance No.

-Site= Choice of site concerned.

-Transmitter= Automatic reporting issuer name.

-Date of detection= Date on which non-compliance was identified. (Default, date of day is displayed)

-Impact= Quality / Security / Health / Environment

-Nature= Product / Operation / Service (or Service)

-Reference= Optional product reference, operation or performance.

-Title= A brief description of the non-compliance detected.

-Detail= Free field for adding details on the non-compliance identified.

-Recipient profile= Allows you to choose whether the notification of non-compliance will be done in a nominative way or by Region.

-Recipient(s)= Person(s) to be informed of non-compliance.

If the type of non-compliance"NC External service provider" is selected, then two additional fields appear:

- External service provider = Allows to identify the external service provider concerned by the non-compliance.

- Contact = Allows you to identify the interlocutor of the external provider.

If the type of non-compliance"Customer claim" is selected, then two additional fields appear:

- Customer = Allows to identify the customer concerned by the non-compliance.

- Contact = Allows you to identify the customer's interlocutor.

Depending on the nature of the non-compliance selected, different fields are generated:

-Product: Generates a table to select product type, quantity of products (lot, control, non-compliant), unit (kg, part¦), type of deficiency found, the operation during which the deficiency occurred, and the traceability number.

Note: If you have a large list of products, you can write the first letters of the designation of the relevant product in the field"product"then you click on the button representing a magnifying glass to facilitate the selection of it. It is also possible to manage several lines"product"if necessary by clicking on the button"+".

After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"

You then return to the page of the register of non-compliance on which your new record appears whose status is "To be treated".

This validation also has the effect of sending a notification via Symalean software and by email to the previously selected recipient(s) in the field "recipients".

This recipient(s) will be required to assign pilots for the analysis, processing and termination of non-compliance. By clicking on the notification link, they will have access to the reporting of non-compliance page and will be able to make these assignments in the section "Assignment".

After completing this part, click on the " buttonValidate"

You then return to the page of the register of non-compliance on which your record appears whose status is "Currently being processed"

This validation also has the effect of sending a notification via Symalean software and an email to the previously selected drivers.

Namely:If you do not assign any pilots to testing, processing or shutting, then it will not be possible to complete these parts. If you do not want to perform a non-compliance analysis, do not have to assign a driver.

To continue the treatment of non-compliance, click on the line of the corresponding non-compliance.

The non-compliance update page appears and you will find that 4 new tabs have appeared:

-Analysis: Allows to analyze non-compliance (Causis Analysis)
-Treatment: Allows to deal with non-compliance (launch and follow-up of actions)
-Closure: Allows you to clear non-compliance.
-Dissemination: Allows you to exchange with interested parties and transmit the non-compliance report.

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