Define the codification of records

Define the codification of records

All records made with Symalean software are automatically referenced through a standard coding setting: 'Root of the type of registration' ' ' 'Current year' ' ' 'No 4-digit incrementation'.

However, you can set the codification. Go to the module "Parametering", click on the ' sectionCodificationfrom the menu 'General Parameters'.

To change the coding type of a record, simply click on the corresponding line.

Within this menu, you can:

- Change the root of the recording type

- Choose whether the increment should be done BY WEBSITE or GROUP:

o per Site = the increment number will be 1 for each Site

o by Group = the increment number will evolve according to the number of records made at regardless of the site.

After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate". You then return to the coding registry page.

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