Plan a visit SSE

Plan a visit SSE

To plan a new visit, go to the register of visits and click on the button"Planning a visit".

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

- Ref = Automatic generation of a visit reference.

- Site = Choose the site(s) concerned by the visit.

- Model = Election of the visit model.

- Area = Area of visit (automatically entered during model selection)

- Process = Process of visit (automatically entered during model selection)

- Location = Area visited (field linked to parameter list 'Sectorfrom the menu 'Security management')

- Resp. visit = Employee responsible for the visit

- Scheduled date = Date of visit during planning.

After completing this form, click the button"Validate".

You then return to the register of visits on which the new visit appears under the state"To be realized".

It is possible to visualize the schedule of visits by clicking on the button"Visualize the visit schedule"

Visits will appear:
- Ingreenif they are realized.
- Inorangeif they are planified.
- Inredif they are late.
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