Planning a review

Planning a review

Click on the tab"Review"

The journal register appears, then click on the button"Planning a review"

The model creation page has 2 separate tabs:

of thetab "Plan de la Revue": Planning of the Review and Association of the Review Model

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

-Site= Choose the site or division or Group
-Filter Process= Allows you to automatically filter all data calls against the selected process(s). (If empty, no filters applied)- Analysis period = Year or period reviewed.
-Planned date= Date set for review.
-Model list= Allows the model to be associated with the journal being created.

Linking a model with the review identifies all areas related to audit planning (facilitator, objectives, participants, recipients), agenda, and data elements and calls that may be included in the review report template. All of these data are not subject to change.

of thetab "Report of the Review":The review report can be prepared before it is completed by incorporating the necessary data and calls for each theme and topic addressed by clicking on the buttons"Elments"and"Call for data".

When the review, it is also possible to identify potential absences.

Finally, after completion of the review, the field"Date completed"of the section"Validation report"must be informed in order to move the status of the review to"Made"
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