Complete the following fields of the training planning form:
- Site = Site concerned by training
- Title = Training title
- Process = Training process.
-Nature= Related to the parametric list 'Type training'
- Type = Internal or External
-Device= Related to the parametric list 'Training device'
- Employee(s) = Selection of Interns
- Competence(s) = Training skills.
- Description of need = Reason(s) of need.
- Start/end date
It is also possible, during training planning, to inform the predictive budget of training via the chapter 'Monitoring of costs'.
The cost criteria lines are modifiable. It is possible to remove or add them thanks to the buttons at the end of the line "+ +" and "-".
After completing the form, click on the " buttonValidate".
You then return to the register of training on which the planified training appears.