Register an emergency test

Register an emergency test

This feature allows for the recording of emergency exercise reports conducted within the Corporation.

To record an emergency test, click the button"Add a test"at the level of the emergency test register.

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

- Ref = Automatic generation of an emergency test report.

- Site = Choose the site(s) concerned by the emergency situation test.

- Process = Process for the emergency situation test.

- Completion date = Year completion date.

- Time of completion = Time of the fiscal year.

- Duration = Duration of the fiscal year.

-Type of emergency situation= Parametric list to define different types of exercises.

- Sector = Location of the fiscal year.

- Staff informed of the test.

- Reference document.

- Malfunctions encountered = Allows to list the various malfunctions found.

- Complementary information.

- Evaluation = Satisfactory / Not satisfactory

- Validated on = Date of validation of the report

- By = Automatically manages the name of the user validating the report.

A section'Matrix of Evaluation'conducts a checklist and generate a performance indicator for the fiscal year.

Default criteria that appear can be changed manually. It is also possible to prepare these criteria via the parametric list'Default matrix emergency'of the Settings module (menu'Security Management').

The answer columns and the affected coefficient can also be set up via the parametric list'Industrial Emergencies'of the Settings module (menu'Security Management')A section also allows you to directly add action plans following your emergency test.

After completing this form, click the button"Validate".

You then return to the emergency test register on which the registration appears.
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