Register of reviews

Register of reviews

Click on the functionality"Reviews", you arrive by default on the journal register page allowing you to view all existing journals.

This page has 3 tabs:

-Models= Access to the Journal Models Register
-Reviews= Access to the Journal Register.
-Actions treatment= Access to the register of treatment actions from reviews.

Within this register you have the possibility to filter the surveys with a set of buttons located in the horizontal menu below the tabs:

- Filter by period, selecting the start and end date of the period and then clicking on the button representing amagnifying glass.
- Filter by keywords thanks to the free field"Search".

Meaning of different states of a journal:

To plan
Planned date not information
"Date of completion" field not entered.
Date of day < Planned date
"Date of completion" field not entered.
Date of day = Validated date
AND "Date of completion" field not entered.
Field "Date of completion" entered.
AND No workflow
Date of day > Planned Date
"Date of completion" field not entered.

At the journal register, it is possible to export the agenda or report of each review by clicking on the buttonsbut also to archive someto duplicate itor delete it

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