Functionality "Aspects and Impacts"Allows, in accordance with ISO 14001, to identify environmental activities, impacts and aspects, to carry out and publish environmental risk assessment and to plan related actions.
Setting up the risk matrix:
In order to perform risk analysis, it is necessary to establish a risk matrix. Symalean software allows up to 5 separate settings:
- TheGravity
- Thelevel of exposure
- TheCommunity awareness
- TheOperation
- Thelevel of masteryof the risk
A final parameter list 'Level of riskwill allow you to determine the different levels of risk to be included in the summary of assessments.
To make this setting, click on the module 'Parametering' then fill in the corresponding lists in the menu 'Management Environment'.
For the 5 lists corresponding to the parameters of the risk matrix, it is necessary to provide a label and a coefficient.
With respect to the level of risk, it will be necessary to determine the values below and above which the level of risk will change.
A concept of colour code is also present and influences the display of this level of risk in the summary of assessments.
After setting these different lists, the risk matrix will be available in the tab 'Matrix of risksof the functionality 'Aspects and Impacts' of the environment module.