To process a preventive maintenance procedure, click on the buttonto the right of the corresponding line.
The maintenance processing form is displayed. It contains all the data provided during the planning of the intervention as well as a new part allowing its treatment.
The specific characteristics of the material submitted for intervention are also detailed. (Sections 'General information of the material', 'Preventive maintenance', 'Request for intervention', 'Planning of the intervention').
A section 'Immobilization' allows, by checking the corresponding box, to enter the start and end dates of the equipment and the cause.
Section 'Treatment of intervention' provides the actual data of the intervention:
- Start date / End date
- Start time / End time
- Time spent (hours)
- Person in charge of the intervention
If the procedure lasts several days, it is possible to validate the form at this stage by checking the date 'Immobilization' so that the material appears under the state "Immobilisé JJ-MM-AAAA au JJ-MM-AAAA" in the material register.
It is also possible to inform the costs of the intervention. It should be noted that with regard to the 'Cost M.O.', it is necessary to:
1) Fill in the field 'Time spent (h)' from the treatment form for the procedure.
2) To have previously entered the parametric list 'Time maintenancefrom the menu 'Security managementof thePARAMETRING module.
Finally, the section 'Result of material compliancelocated at the end of the page allows the intervention and determines the status of the material.
The state 'Non-compliantwill manage a number of specific fields including the field 'Decisionto mean whether the equipment should be 'Responded in accordance with' or 'Discarded'.
- If 'Conformity': Generation of a table of corrective actions and a second field 'State' to re-evaluate compliance after re-compliance.
- If 'Disposal': Generation of a field 'Date discarded'.
After completing this form, click on the " buttonValidate"
Depending on the compliance status validated in the intervention treatment form, the flow will be different:
- If 'Conforms' or 'Underrogation': The intervention form will automatically pass through the intervention history under the corresponding state. The new preventive maintenance will be automatically planned in the response register.
- If 'Non-compliant':
o With re-conformity: As long as field 'Statefollowing compliance will not be entered in the form, the intervention will remain in the state 'Non-compliant' in the register of interventions.
o Disposal: the intervention will automatically pass through the history of interventions under the state 'Beginning'.
- If 'Decalated verification': The intervention will remain in the register of interventions under the state 'Decalated verification' and 'Planned datewill be postponed to the next theoretical date of intervention. (Depending on the frequency of parameter).