View or archive a statistic

View or archive a statistic

The archiving and visualization of statistics is done as previously seen.

Go to the statistics register and click onArchiverto archive a statistic. (As for operational objectives and indicators, it is possible to consult the archive by clicking on the " buttonArchive"located at the level of the register of statistics)

To view a given statistic click on the button representing agraph.

It is also possible to launch a Group visualization of a statistic if it was assigned to several sites at the time of its creation.

To do this, click on the " buttonView"

Complete the different fields:
Fields marked with a * must be entered.

Process= Process related to the desired statistics - allows a filter to be produced when choosing the statistic.

Statistics= Choose the statistic

Site= Select sites â€" will display values for selected sites.

• Comparison of site = Displays the values of selected sites on a single graph.

• Group statistics = Displays the values of selected sites + those of the Group on a single graph.

• Site details = Displays a graph per site

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