Equipment intervention
Register of Material Interventions
This feature allows the planning of maintenance interventions and their treatment. It is also possible to record an intervention directly without going through the planning phase. To access it, Click on the feature 'Maternal intervention'. As a ...
Request an intervention on a material
Users who do not have permissions for recording or scheduling material response may need to make a request. A shortcut button on the home page makes it possible to make a request for intervention. After completing the form, click on the " ...
Record a maintenance procedure
To directly record a maintenance response without prior planning (reparing emergency equipment), click on the " "Record an intervention". The form that appears is identical to the one seen in subchapter 'Treating a preventive maintenance ...
Plan a maintenance intervention
To schedule a maintenance intervention, click on the " button "Planning an intervention". The response planning form is displayed. Part 'Request for intervention' allows the general characteristics of the maintenance intervention to be carried out. ...
Process a group of maintenance interventions
It is possible to treat multiple interventions at once. (Control of fire extinguishers, slings, pharmacy kits…) To do this, at the level of the register of interventions: 1) Check the various interventions to be addressed through the area to the ...
Treating a preventive maintenance intervention
To process a preventive maintenance procedure, click on the buttonto the right of the corresponding line. The maintenance processing form is displayed. It contains all the data provided during the planning of the intervention as well as a new part ...