Safety plans
Record a common inspection
The principle is exactly the same as for coordination meetings. The only difference lies in the content of the form and the fact that all foreign companies mentioned in the PDP are concerned. Click on the ' buttonActions' present on the PDP registry ...
Register a coordination meeting
At the level of the register of advanced PDPs, the button "Actions"At the end of each PDP will allow the launch of a coordination meeting. (Submitted that initial validation of the PDP has been completed.) This action provides access to the ...
Edit and disseminate SIR sheets
CRS sheets can be edited and disseminated to relevant foreign companies via the tab 'Sir'. - Click on the button "Download all" to download all the CRS sheets of various external companies. - Click on the button "Group dissemination" to transmit the ...
Initial validation of the advanced prevention plan
Once the tab 'Description' of the completed prevention plan (PDP), return to the form and click on "Launch the signing of the PDP". The following form opens. This is to ensure that recipients and their respective email addresses are correct. If OK, ...
Creating an advanced prevention plan
Once the tab 'Description' of the completed prevention plan (PDP), return to the form and click on "Launch the signing of the PDP". The following form opens. This is to ensure that recipients and their respective email addresses are correct. If OK, ...
Establish a standard prevention plan
The management of prevention plans is similar to that of security protocols. Only the content of the form is different. At the register of prevention plans, click on the " button "Add a prevention plan". 1/ Tab 'Description' Chapter 'General ...
Establish a permit to access
The management of confined space access permits is similar to that of security protocols. Only the content of the form is different and will be described in this user guide. At the access permit register, click on the " buttonAdd a permit to access". ...
Creating a fire permit
Fire permit management is similar to that of security protocols. Only the content of the form is different and will be described in this user guide. At the level of the register of fire permits, click on the " buttonAdd a fire permit" Complete the ...
Related functions on the security protocol
An archive box is available on the feature allowing you to archive security protocol records to reduce the main registry. To archive a record, click on the islandand validate archiving. In the event of an error, you can restore a record at the ...
Follow a security protocol
After validating the security protocol, it is possible to return to the relevant record. A new tab'Follow-up'appears. This tab is used to attach the signed document and establish an end-of-validity alert for the document. The end date of validity, if ...
Import a security protocol
In the event that the security protocol is conducted via an in-house form, it is possible to come and file it without having to fill in the Symalean form. To do this, we must tick'Import'at the top right of the security protocol registration form. It ...
Create a safety protocol via the Symalean model
At the registry of security protocols, click on the " buttonAdd a security protocol". Complete the security protocol registration form: Chapter 'General information': Provides the user company and the transport company concerned by the security ...