Delete a statistic
"To ensure that the statistics are not linked to any indicators. "Archive statistics" "Delete the statistics at the archive box by clicking the button representing ared cross.
View or archive a statistic
The archiving and visualization of statistics is done as previously seen. Go to the statistics register and click onto archive a statistic. (As for operational objectives and indicators, it is possible to consult the archive by clicking on the " ...
Tell a statistic
To be able to fill in a statistic, go to the register of statistics and click on the button "+ create a statistic" to the right of the line corresponding to the statistics to be filled. Only the person responsible for a given statistic will be able ...
Creating a statistic
The statistics will allow for quantitatively and frequency recorded a set of parameters defined by the Company. These statistics may be associated with an indicator as seen in the previous chapter. To create a statistic, you must go to the Module ...